Footage (Victor): 3-1

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Footage (Victor) Stage: 3-1 (Story)



The annual Economic Summit of Loveland City will be held today. I stayed up late to prepare the script last night.
I rushed out to the door this morning, and when I got to the venure, I realized I'd forgotten my work ID badge at home!
Just then I got stopped by the security at the door.
MC: I'm the producer of the <Company>. I'm in charge of the livestream broadcast for the Economic Summit.
MC: I can give you my number and leave my personal ID card here. Could you let me in?
No matter how I explain it, security refused to let me in.
I called Anna, trying to ask her to send the back-up work card, but she didn't answer my call.
Suddenly, I saw Victor showing up at the gate of the venue.:
MC: (Waves hand) Victor, over here! It's me!
Victor sees me. I could see that I make him feel embarrassed.
Victor sent Goldman to talk to security, and I was allowed to get inside.
I pretended that nothing had happened, avoiding Victor's sight and rushing to the summit.
Victor: Hey, stop.
MC: (Stopping) Thank you for the help
Victor: Every time I see you, you're like a chicken with it's head cut off. Today's livestream is very important. Don't let me down.
MC: Please rest assured, the streaming team has been fully prepared.
Victor: Says the one who forgot her work badge and almost couldn't get in.
MC: I'm sorry for my negligence. But please do not question the team's attitude or ability.
Victor: Well prove it to me.
Victor turned around and left. Watching him go, a fire gets lit in my belly.
MC: Victor, I will make an incredible show. Just you wait and see.


With permission from Moonchild