Footage (Lucien): 3-7

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Footage (Lucien) Stage: 3-7 (Story)



Lucien and I left the studio. We were now walking back home together.
I was really amazed by Lucien's performance.
MC: Lucien, you were awesome. You saw through to their problems so quickly.
Lucien: (Smiling) Sometimes, people are easy to see through.
MC: Lucien, someone like you must have a good relationship with their parents.
Lucien: Someone like me?
MC: Yes. Someone who understands people like you must have a good family relationship.
Lucien: I don't spend a lot of time with my parents.
Lucien: They're in another country. We just call each other from time to time. So we don't actually talk a lot.
MC: I see...
I lowered my head and felt a little depressed. Lucien seemed to notice my change in mood.
Lucien: What's the matter?
MC: I'm thinking of my dad...
MC: Sometimes you can't keep your loved ones close to you as long as you would wish.
Lucien stopped and looked at me.
MC: (Smiling) My father would be happy to see how much I've grown.
Lucien said nothing. He patted my shoulder with encouragement, comfort, and warmth.


With permission from Moonchild