Film Studio Date

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For a complete list of dates, see also: Date List


"Gavin opened the program and taught female audiences to handle perverts. He also caught the one annoyed me for days."

General Requirements

  • Character: Gavin
  • Required Intimacy: 4
  • Date Reward: Get Heroine's Moments [Drama Lif...]

Required Karma

Only one of the following Karma is required to unlock the date.

Dating Diary

Section 1

I got Gavin to be the featured guest for the first episode of new show, but then received another anonymous express letter in the studio.

Section 2

It was from a secret admirer. I thought about telling Gavin, but didn't because it might be just a prank. The Gavin was certainly a different person on camera than he was off.

Section 3

He demonstrated self-defense techniques live, but I kept feeling another pair of eyes watching me. A man in black followed me after the taping. It was the anonymous guy who sent the letters! Gavin eventually found me and subdued the perv. I thank my lucky stars he was always around when I needed him the most.

Section 4

The stalker turned out not to be a perv but a crazy fan. Gavin chatted with me and gave me a private lesson in self-defense. His company settled me down. I thanked him for being there, and he said he had always been by my side, even when I didn't see him.
