Evening Party Date

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"Victor sent an invitation to cover a dozen young, LFG-backed entrepreneurs to have an internal business competition, the winner of which would get a new round of $5 million in funding. I took part in it too. During the competition, Victor came to visit me at the hotel, and I told him my goal of surpassing him."

General Requirements

  • Character: Victor
  • Required Intimacy: 4

Required Karma

Only one of the following Karma is required to unlock the date.

Dating Diary

Section 1

Six months ago, Victor sent an invitation to over a dozen young, LFG-backed entrepreneurs to have an internal business competition, the winner of which would get a new round of $5 million in funding. I took part in it too. The competition took place in a completely sealed off environment, with all the participants staying in one of LFG's hotels. Victor drove me to the hotel.

Section 2

The case study topic for the competition was to analyze the reason for the failure of the SE platform. This one of the most well-known of all of LFG's investment losses. It was a bit of a surprise that Victor chose that as the topic, but also quite reasonable. As I read page after page of documents, I felt like I was seeing Victor sitting in front of the computer day and night, re-analyzing every aspect of the business.

Section 3

The competition really put me through the ringer, and each day I was exhausted. While I was agonizing over the case study report, the doorbell sounded: Victor had suddenly arrived. In his relaxing embrace, I rested for a short while in comfort.

Section 4

I had drawn a big circle around the SE logo on the first page of the report. When I realized that Victor had never breathed a word of his SE investment failure to me, it began to dawn on me that he had always treated me as someone he had to protect. The feeling of not being needed by someone you love hit me harder than my own failed shows, so I instantly set a goal to surpass him.
