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For a complete list, see also: Mind's Quest


Chapter 1

I accidentally learned that the announcement of the winner of the Kravo Prize, the most prestigious award in science, had been postponed. And that due to a change in assessment criteria, Lucien, originally the most hopeful to take home that honor, now faced a strong competitor. This news cast a pall on me...

Chapter 2

Lucien turned down an interview, saying that he didn't want to spend the vacation doing anything other than being with me. I was moved.

Chapter 3

While we were drinking saki together, Lucien suddenly thought of a game he had played before. I was immediately intrigued. We started playing, and I found myself lightening up. Then Lucien told me that there was another reason he wanted to play this game with me...

Chapter 4

The snow got lighter, so we decided to take a spring bath. But we found to our surprise that the spring here was a bit different from the ones we had been to: it didn't have planks to separate bathers. Lucien and I had to share the same pond. A subtle tension arose...

Chapter 5

Back in the hotel room, the first thing I saw was the other gift I prepared for Lucien -- an egg-shaped cake. He said he noticed that I really cared about the whole prize thing, so he turned on his phone to check the winner list with me. I got nervous again...

General Requirements

Required Karma

The following SP is required to unlock the Mind's Quest and must be evolved to Tier 4 in order to view the full story.
Lucien Clinging Base.png
