Ablaze Night

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For a complete list, see also: Mind's Quest


Chapter 1

On the same day that we crushed the ratings, I also got an invite to an award ceremony and learned ahead of time that I won for "Outstanding Impact".

Chapter 2

Keeping my award a secret. I invited Victor to attend. Upon arrival, we ran into the president of the Film and Television Association, and I invited her to sit and chat.

Chapter 3

As we chatted, I learned Victor had already been invited! I asked the president to keep my award a secret, but then my dress got ruined by a little boy.

Chapter 4

Wearing a back-up dress, Victor and I went out to mingle. Award time was quickly approaching, but Victor was gone. Suddenly, there he was on stage! He presented me with my award!

Chapter 5

Outside, I told Victor why I wore these earrings, and how I'd strived to belong by his side. I joked about giving him an award as a gift, and he gave me a "thank-you gift"...

General Requirements

Required Karma

The following SP is required to unlock the Mind's Quest and must be evolved to Tier 4 in order to view the full story.
