A Thoughtful Gift Date

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For a complete list of dates, see also: Date List


"I arrived at Camellia Hall to inspect the venue for the Snail Courier event tomorrow one last time and ran into Victor. To my surprise, when we returned home, he handed me a present..."

General Requirements

  • Character: Victor
  • Required Intimacy: 6

Required Karma

Only one of the following Karma is required to unlock the date.

Dating Diary

Section 1

As one of the promotional collaborators of the "Snail Courier" event, I decided to inspect the venue at Camellia Hall one last time.

Section 2

I ran into Victor at the door. He didn't say what he was here for, just handed me a bouquet of camellias and inspected the place with me.

Section 3

Things were looking good in the hall. I filled Victor in on the theme and concept behind the event, but he simply replied with something I didn't understand. I was about to convince him to try out filming a video when a staff member appeared.

Section 4

When we got home, Victor took out a courier gift -- I almost forgot myself, but it was the essential oil and letter I sent after exiting the Camellia Hall maze sometime ago. Desperate to stop Victor from reading the letter out loud, I jumped up and accidentally ripped off his button, and things began to heat up...
