A Date of Learning

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For a complete list of dates, see also: Date List


"I met a senior of the industry who misunderstood me at the conference where Victor and I were both invited to. Thanks to Victor's encouragement, I managed to clear the misunderstanding and regain my confidence..."

General Requirements

  • Character: Victor
  • Required Intimacy: 6

Required Karma

Only one of the following Karma is required to unlock the date.

Dating Diary

Section 1

When flying to the neighboring city to attend the annual conference, I kept pondering on the fact that I was criticized by a senior not long ago. To make things worse, Victor told me that that senior will also attend the annual conference...

Section 2

As expected, my peers all mentioned that to me on the conference. I told Victor about my disagreement with the senior. Victor encouraged me to take the initiative to consult this senior before he went on stage to give a speech.

Section 3

I didn't expect that I just sat next to the senior, and I mustered the courage to clear the misunderstanding between us. When the annual conference concluded, I invited Victor to have a cup of coffee and played a trick on him by the way.

Section 4

When I got back to the hotel and finished bathing, I found that the hair dryer was broken. I asked Victor next door to borrow the hair dryer, but he helped dry my hair voluntarily. It turned out that he had long known what kept troubling me for so many days ......
